Author Archives: Mitch Smith

Failed to get information for MP: http://site. 80090006.

After upgrading a ConfigMgr site from 1511 to 1602, you may be unable to image any systems.  The error message shown on the screen will be “An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0x80004005)”.   The Smsts.log file will have a message of “Failed to get information for MP: http://site. 80090006”.

The Smsts.log file may look something like this:

CryptVerifySignature (hHash, pSignature, dwSizeSignature, hKey, NULL, 0), HRESULT=80090006 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libcrypt.cpp,642) TSMBootstrap 4/6/2016 12:32:10 PM 1176 (0x0498)

CryptVerifySignature failed, 80090006 TSMBootstrap 4/6/2016 12:32:10 PM 1176 (0x0498)

VerifySignedString (sAnsiCert.getBuffer(), m_sMPCertificateSignature.c_str(), szTrustedRootKey, 32780 ), HRESULT=80090006 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,5387) TSMBootstrap 4/6/2016 12:32:10 PM 1176 (0x0498)

untrusted certificate:
{cert string} 
TSMBootstrap 4/6/2016 12:32:10 PM 1176 (0x0498)

MPKeyInformation.RequestMPKeyInformationForMedia(szTrustedRootKey), HRESULT=80090006 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\framework\osdmessaging\libsmsmessaging.cpp,9599) TSMBootstrap 4/6/2016 12:32:10 PM 1176 (0x0498)

Failed to get information for MP: http://site. 80090006. TSMBootstrap 4/6/2016 12:32:10 PM 1176 (0x0498)

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“Failed to find a valid network adapter” error in SCCM 1511

Running the current branch of ConfigMgr (1511),  while starting a bare metal OSD task sequence you may receive an error message that states “Failed to find a valid network adapter”.  It appears that the system is not receiving an IP address in a fast enough manner for SCCM.  In the smsts.log file, you will see this error:

Failed to find a valid network adapter. Please ensure that this machine has a network adapter and appropriate network drivers.
Unspecified error (Error: 80004005; Source: Windows)

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