Author Archives: Matt Loretitsch

Hyper-V and VMM Memory stats…complexity abounds

Someone requests you to build a new environment.  Do we have enough resource?  In VMM go to “Fabric” workspace, find the Cluster, and hit Overview at the top.  Hey no problem!  I have tons of space here.  Well that 256GB is only 128GB when you have a 2 node cluster with 1 reserve.

If you mouse over the memory graph it says 41GB allocated to VMs.  This is calculated from the Startup parameter so it’s not the real truth!  This is enough to meet the demand to START the vms.  They will and do consume more RAM as the apps start up.  So what do we do?  You can open up VMM and look at “Memory Assigned” column and get out your calculator…OR you can run this script from chfvwp-scrdm01 or any hyper-v host.  Specify the physical hosts you want to aggregate in the get-vm section.

get-vm -ComputerName hv01,hv02 | Measure-Object -Sum ‘MemoryAssigned’ | select Count, @{n=’UsageGB’;e={[int]($_.Sum/1GB)}}

SOOOO our 14 VMs are actually using 51gb of ram in production at this moment.  We can have a total of about 120GB with 1 node failover so we should be in the clear.

Want to really go deep?  Check out how VMM calculates over-commit in 2012 R2.

Unified Messaging broken after moving user to O365

After moving a user from on-prem Exchange 2010 to Office 365, we would get the following error in the Skype for Business trace logs.  Why was this happening?

ms-diagnostics: 15014;reason=”Hosted Voicemail Policy assigned to the user is not fully configured. Destination or Organization might be null”;source=””;appName=”ExumRouting”

After you move someone you need to grant the hosted voicemail policy.

get-csuser test.user | Grant-CsHostedVoicemailPolicy -PolicyName “Lync NorthAmerica Policy”

DHCPUTIL Throws no Error on Windows Core

Windows Core dhcputil on Core throws no error

DHCPUtil.exe needs two .dll files to start up 



To fix this, go to “C:\Windows\System32” on your standard or front-end server and you will find the files there. Next, simply copy them to “C:\Windows\System32” on the DHCP Server and DHCPUtil.exe will now run.